Guided by Heart,
United by Connection:
This is Connected You.

We are a community where women support women.Here we have heart-to-heart conversations and experiences for our wellbeing as women to keep connecting and moving through the ups and downs of life.We see you. We hear you. We've got you.

Women's Circles

Discover the power of sisterhood and self-discovery within our nurturing Women's Circles. Embrace a space where women gather to connect, share stories, and uplift one another, fostering personal growth, empowerment, and lasting friendships. Profound space to connect to You, Others and the wider world and Universe.


We hold online workshops where we explore the art of heartful connection, mindfulness, and personal growth. Join us to engage in transformative discussions, guided practices, and interactive sessions designed to empower you on your journey.

In Person
Meetups & Walks

To bring people together in real time, we hold monthly Coffee Club for women to gather to discuss a specific topic, to feel seen and heard and make friends. We also monthly Walking Club where we go on a walk together in a location in London to walk and talk for our wellbeing.

How it all started...

In the midst of the 2021 lockdown, Connected You was born out of a heartfelt initiative by its founder, Essi Auguste Virtanen, a dedicated coach. The inspiration behind this community arose when Essi's dear friend expressed a yearning for connection during a time when leaving our homes was limited by the world's circumstances.In response, Essi gathered women from across the globe, laying the foundation for a transformative journey of connection. Through these monthly online circles, each centered around a specific theme, women joined hands to nurture bonds and foster meaningful connections. Today, these circles continue to thrive, providing a haven of camaraderie and growth - both in the virtual space and out in the real world.With an innate ability to bring people together, Essi, drawing from her background in journalism, understands the power of shared narratives in healing and uniting us. Guided by coaching principles and positive psychology, she established Connected You as a sanctuary for women, with the resounding belief that together, amidst the collective journey, answers can be uncovered and paths illuminated.Welcome to the tribe.

"We cultivate heartful connections and inclusive communities, providing a space for transformative growth and shared support."

Our philosophy

We recognize that the journey of self-discovery and growth is best undertaken in the company of others.Through integration and connection within a supportive community setting, we find the tools to navigate and make sense of our inner experiences.This collective approach enables us to unravel complexities, gain insights, and uncover hidden potentials that might have remained obscured in isolation.We are a community where women support women. We have heart to heart conversations in our monthly meetups, workshops and events to improve wellbeing while making meaningful connections.We are a community for women where we are inspired by each others’ experiences, wisdom and stories. We have real conversations. Through that, we can integrate and connect and make sense of our own inner experiences better together in a community setting and as a collective.Connected You is a sanctuary for women to come together to be seen and heard.You are welcome as you are. Welcome to the tribe.As we embark on this path of heartful connection, we also embark on a transformative journey of self-transcendence. Starting from the "me," we initiate a process that ripples out to transform the "we" and eventually extends its influence to the broader world.


The Sunflower is our symbol.The sunflower stands as a potent symbol at the heart of our tribe, embodying the very essence of our shared mission.Just as the sunflower unfailingly turns its face toward the radiant Sun, we aspire for our tribe to be a guiding light in your journey of self-discovery and growth.Like the sunflower's vibrant bloom that captivates and inspires, our tribe aims to be a source of inspiration, empowerment, and renewal. As you navigate the tunnels of life, seeking that light at the end, our tribe is here to stand with you, reminding you that even in the darkest moments, there is a community ready to lift you up.

We believe...

Connection is the foundation for people to be well. Disconnection leads to ill health.Connection holistically within self, others, their environment, and something higher creates the recipe for us to be fulfilled and thrive. These realms of connection are present in everything we do at Connected You.In a world that is filled with separation and juxtaposition, people feel more disconnected than ever. We believe in creating confidential, safe, inclusive spaces to connect both virtually and in person to battle against this disconnection we see through high statistics of depression and loneliness in this world.Being together is our greatest untapped healer.The more love, kindness, and togetherness we can see in this world, the more healing can occur.

Connect with us

Sign up for our mailing list to be first to know about upcoming events, workshops and other updates and exclusive content from the Founder

What you can expect from our emails:

Tips for wellbeing and self-development

Exclusive email content from our founder

Community news and connection

First access to tickets to workshops and events

Events this month


We host monthly meetups and events for women and womxn to come together to connect.

- Coffee Club Meetups
- Walk and Talk Club Meetups
- Online Workshops to Support You as a Woman on Your Journey
- Women's Circles
- Special Wellbeing Collaboration Events


We love to create connecting experiences together!

We are always interested hearing about amazing women and womxn and their gifts.Encouraging collaboration is important for us in this community, so we love to hear ideas about doing collaboration events or for you to host something special for our tribe!Fill out the form below and share your ideas with us. Our Founder Essi will be in touch to discuss it! :)

Say Hello 👋

Meet the team behind Connected You



Connects through positive psychology, coaching, writing, yoga, boxing, singing and oracle card readings




Connects through art, design & branding, photography and music


Support Us

Our unique approach to community-building and support revolves around the principle of giving. Every event hosted on our platform allows you to make a meaningful contribution by donating an amount of your choice.These donations are directed towards our Connected You initiative, a program focused on nurturing and strengthening a sense of community and connection while providing vital support and self-development tools to its members.


"Overall, this has been s wonderful experience full of laughs, vulnerability, and connection. Essi has created an environment that has been highly informative regarding human complexities and simultaneously holds space for all of our big feelings."

San Jose, USA

"It's has been a real joy to connect with other women in such a safe and open space to share and speak freely.
Essi does a fantastic job of delivering material and creating a safe, fun space for us to connect, learn and share."

London, UK

"Safe space to explore, be honest and grow, from this I’ve enjoyed learning from the other women in the group, how different we all are, how I connect to myself and others, what’s been holding me back, letting go and finding more balance internally.”

Stratford-upon-Avon, UK

"It is with great pleasure that I highly recommend working with Essi if you are seeking connection and learning how to live a heartful life. I joined the connected women's circle a few months ago and have truly loved connecting and learning from the ladies in our group."

Los Angeles, CA

"Sessions with Essi’s group have been enlightening and inspiring and I'm honored I get to hear the insights and experiences of women across the world. We all have different backgrounds and stories yet we are able through connect and relate."

Cali, Columbia

"The connected circle has been such a refreshing experience to bond with like minded people where you can open and share in a safe space. It's been nice to connect and know you are not the only one struggling or having a rough day."

Los Angeles, USA

"This group is an opportunity to talk about heartful topics with inspiring women. It also gave me the opportunity to learn from others,
listen to their experiences, and also share mine with openness and without fear of being judged. At the end of our meetings, we all just end up wishing we had one or two - or three! - more hours because our conversations just keep getting better and better."

San Francisco, USA

"In a time of personal and universal uncertainty, Essi has been an unrelenting, rebellious ray of light in the darkness. I have gotten the chance to connect with women all around the world, to put my own concerns into perspective, and to explore refreshing ideas, all thanks to Essi’s women's group. If you are searching for a peaceful, powerful and transformative experience, Essi is there to support and guide you."

New York, USA

What we're about

We are a community where women support women. We have heart to heart conversations in our monthly meetups, workshops and events to improve wellbeing while making meaningful connections.We are a community for women where we are inspired by each others’ experiences, wisdom and stories. We have real conversations. Through that, we can integrate and connect and make sense of our own inner experiences better together in a community setting and as a collective.Connected You is a sanctuary for women to come together to be seen and heard.You are welcome as you are. We see you. We hear you. We've got you.

Our Values

We inspire and empower
through authenticity and vulnerability.

We hold space with
compassion and acceptance.

We connect by listening
to each other's stories.

We are all about creating experiences to support you and your wellbeing

We connect in three realms

Connect with yourself through personal development, coaching tools, self inquiry and group sessionsConnect with others in meet-ups, workshops and events for community, collaboration and togethernessConnect with something higher by mindful and spiritual practice sessions."But heartfulness is practiced in groups with the clear goal of creating community, a sense of openness, direct communion with others, and an awareness of oneself as part of something greater. Grouding our encounters in mindfulness enables vulnerability and authenticity. People realize connectedness, engage in deep listening, feel more accepting, and are grateful for what is happening."
Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

We are heart-led business that leads with community first bringing people together and giving forward to those in need.

1. In a world with overwhelmed amount of information, we come together to simplify and
connect through our stories and experiences rather than scientific or academics.
2. We don't only ask the questions but we connect with them and live them.3. We are rooted in storytelling and our differences being greatest teachers4. We learn together by gathering in a nurturing environment for our wellbeing5. We find meaning and purpose in what we go through - the good and the difficult

Heartfulness is to give forward and to live through the heart and kindness.We are donation based business. We want to make community and support accessible to all.Every event - you donate the sum of your choice - which goes to Connected You community building and supporting its members.We also hold special collaboration events where we gather money for charities we collaborate with who support people with depression, loneliness and suicide.

Heartfulness is to give forward and to live through the heart and kindness.

We are donation based business. We want to make community and support accessible to all.Every event - you donate the sum of your choice - which goes to Connected You community building and supporting its members.We also hold special collaboration events where we gather money for charities we collaborate with who support people with depression, loneliness and suicide.